The brain wave alternates in a certain cycle; it moves up and down in a hypnotic state, and the number of cycles reduces. 

When it reduces, the most challenging root cause of the problem emerges. 

In this state, a lot of unwanted emotions which have been held back can be released and one can restart their life in a good way. 


Hypnosis is a state in which a person can be guided into an altered state of consciousness that is a trance-like state. 

Hypnosis is a dream-like state where you will be awake and able to take action, unlike a dream in which you will be awake [ a part of the brain ] and be a spectator. 

In this state, it creates a state of being hyper-focus on what you are being told, and the distractions or noises coming from outside will be ignored by you naturally.

It is characterized by a deep state of relaxation with increased suggestibility. It is a state of consciousness where you have a heightened level of concentration and focus. 

The hypnotic state is not something mysterious. A lot of scientific researchers have done the research and found the proper result about the science behind this state.

You knowingly or unknowingly may have been in the hypnotic state for many times. When you are watching a favorite movie or tv show with so much involvement and focus, you and the television become one and your focus will not be anywhere outside. Even if somebody calls your name, you will not realize until they yell your name after some time isn’t it? 

Has this similar situation ever happened to you? Most of us have. So that state when you have all your attention on the movie when you become one with television or that particular program is called the state of hypnosis where your concentration and focus are heightened and all the other distractions from outside are dimmed

The hypnosis state is commonly used in therapies mainly for people with mental health issues. Which helps them to keep the focus on their issue in order to resolve them. 


During hypnosis, the activity in one side of the brain region slows down, which helps people switch between tasks and quiets/slows down. 

This region of the brain appears to be disconnected from the other region which is responsible for daydreaming and self-reflection. This could be the reason why hypnotized people aren’t worried about what they are doing or who they are.

Researchers have also found that hypnosis helps in calming brain regions which helps in controlling the heart rate, blood flow, and breathing. This is likely what leads to the physical relaxation, one experiences after coming out of hypnosis.


The history of hypnosis starts in the late 1800s, a German physician named Franz Mesmer developed mesmerism. His beliefs about the balance of magnetic power in our body, using animal magnetism, did wonders at that time. But the concept of animal magnetism got rejected a decade later as it had no scientific basis. In the mid-19th century, Sigmund Freud discovered our unconscious process.

The most prominent figure in modern hypnosis is the American psychiatrist Milton Erickson, who used language creatively in order to communicate with the patient’s unconscious. He made outstanding clinical successes, and his methods are now called The Ericksonian Hypnosis, which is nowadays strongly embedded in other approaches like neuro-linguistic programming [NLP]



Ancient hypnosis in Indian history is called ‘SAMMOHANA’ which is a part of Yoga Vidya. It has been practiced in India since the Vedic period

It is said that a lot of sages and yogis practiced self-hypnosis while meditating in order to still their minds. It was also known as ‘prana vidya’ and was at its peak during the Aryan era [1500-500 B.C.]. The proof of the use of Sammohana can be found in ancient texts like the Bhagavat Geeta. 

Many of us do not know that Hypnosis is the deepest form of Yoga. By practicing yoga regularly with the right breath and body movements eventually after some time you will be able to go into this state without any guidance. This practice brings a lot of change in one’s life. The conscious awareness increases in oneself.   


There are three major types of hypnosis that are used to hypnotize a person or group or to hypnotize oneself. They are 1. Traditional/suggestive hypnosis, 2. Ericksonian Hypnosis, 3. Self-hypnosis.


This is considered as the easiest form of hypnosis as it depends on simple suggestions and commands. 

This method uses direct suggestions and commands to influence a person’s thoughts and feelings which automatically influences their behavior and actions once they are in the hypnotic state. 

This is the basic method in hypnosis. 

This type works very well on people who can easily follow orders. As the monkey mind /conscious mind tends to interfere a lot, the process could get a little tough for people who are not likely to follow orders or suggestions. 


As discussed earlier Ericksonian hypnosis was named after Milton Erickson, a psychiatrist who used indirect suggestions as a tool while communicating to hypnotize patients. 

Milton Erickson is considered the ‘Father of Modern Hypnotherapy. This method involves statements that are ‘TRUE OR COULD BE TRUE’ to the listeners. This type of suggestion helps the listeners/ patients to follow smoothly without much conscious interference rather than a direct command.


Self-hypnosis is a type where the person themselves can go into a hypnotic state through suggestions, and anchor certain positive changes that they would like to bring into their lives by planting the statements into their subconscious mind. 

A lot of research has shown that self-hypnosis has helped a lot of people in terms of development in their personal life and helping in decreasing stress, insomnia, and so on.


The four stages of hypnosis are BETA, ALPHA, THETA & DELTA.

BETA is the state of mind where the mental vibration is between 18 – 32 Hz. You seem to be completely aware and awake. Yet you are aware of what needs to be done. The focus is less and the mind is dissipated. You tend to think a lot and act less on important tasks.

In this state, a lot of logical thinking and fast activities are done in this state. When the beta stage is active, active conversations happen. This is the normal waking state.


This is the state in which you start relaxing your mind and body by hearing suggestions from your therapist. 

In this stage, usually daydreaming happens. 

Also when one meditates alpha stage occurs which helps in calming down the body first and slowly the mind. 

This is also known as the induction process where your conscious mind takes a back seat and your unconscious begins to listen and understand the suggestions made and will also be able to follow the visualization as instructed.

In this state, the mind vibrates between 12-18Hz. The reason is to be focused and aware. If you master this state then you can engage in activity from this state.

This happens when you train yourself to engage in action, thinking, eating, etc being aware of the breath. This becomes a very productive state after proper training.


In this stage, your relaxation becomes, even, deeper and things might get a little fuzzy or unclear which is totally normal because in this state your mind could be wandering and this is the way the subconscious opens up.

The vibration is between 8-12 Hz. In this state, your mind will actually settle into calmness with practice. We use this state for hypnotic healing and affirmations. 

With practice, you can access and be in this state for longer periods.

At the same time to bring about healing, and remove outdated beliefs you may need help from a trained guide or therapist or coach who has experience in guiding you through.


This is the deepest state in hypnosis. In this state, one will not be aware of anything around them, even the suggestions from the therapists, but they will still be able to accept the suggestions given.

This is a state we enter before we actually sleep.

In addition to the above, we have what is called the Gamma State of mind.

In this state, the mind operated at above 32 Hz.

In this state, one is focussed, and productive but highly stressed. It is like fighting for survival. The stress hormones are high. This happens when working with tight deadlines in a high-pressure environment. 

One is also in this state of mind continuously when one engages in work mechanically and unwillingly. 

It is like I need to work as I have to. 

When one exists in this state for long continuous periods then this leads to low productivity, more work, and eventually psychological challenges and then lifestyle diseases.


1. It is not possible to make a human being immortal or live forever: 

In hypnosis or through hypnosis you can gain and train yourself to a higher level but birth and death can never be attained or planned through hypnosis. Hypnosis used right can enhance your life that you’re living in a better way.

2. Hypnosis cannot change a person’s appearance:

Changing a person’s physical appearance cannot be done through hypnosis but diseases like obesity and anorexia can be solved through hypnosis as the root of the problem can be cleared. Hence, like plastic surgeries, hypnosis cannot change appearance.

3. Hypnosis cannot work like a switch of a button:

Hypnosis cannot work like a switch of a button. Many people approach hypnosis assuming that in 3 sessions (each lasting for 75 minutes or so) change will happen automatically.

Clarity should be had here as this expectation itself hampers healing. We have a separate article on this.

Hypnosis and for that matter, any healing based on existential processes is a co-creative process. You, your guide, and the process together create something new.


Guided Meditation :

Guided meditation is where meditation is done with somebody’s guidance

The techniques are intended to inspire an increased state of self-awareness and mental awareness. 

Focusing only on our breath and body, detaching ourselves from the thoughts that come up by focusing on an object or eyes closed is the practice that helps with our focus and concentration.


NO. Even though they might seem similar, both are different in many ways. Both the meditative state and hypnotic state require you to be aware of your surroundings.

In the state of hypnosis, the mind will be aware of everything happening around you but the focus goes only to the hypnotist’s voice and to the suggestions given by them which can help you have a sharp focus on the issue that needs to be resolved. 

The goal of hypnosis is to reprogram your mind to achieve your goal and to change certain habits or behavior.  

Whereas in the meditative state, you focus on your breath and your body or an object. You do not have a specific goal. You are just in a deep state that makes healing happen automatically.

This helps in the increase of consciousness and self-awareness. 

Guided meditation will not be helpful in terms of resolving certain issues as quickly as you need. Hypnosis can make this happen faster because you can remove the emotional entanglement with the challenge, cleanse and reprogram. 

The goal of guided meditation is to relax your body and mind completely. Which will happen when the instructions are followed right.



Memories are nothing but our past experiences.

In the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, the Maharishi States that ‘memory is the inability of the mind to forget what it has perceived’

All our past experiences do not matter good or bad, important or not will get automatically stored in our subconscious.

But why do people tend to forget very little things? 

That is because only the Conscious mind tends to ignore certain things due to a lack of focus and practice or in a way the focus keeps shifting.

Yet the unconscious mind absorbs all that it comes to contact with. 

There is a scientific study that shows that the mind absorbs 13,00,000 inputs per minute.

And secondly, the mind does not store memory as a photographic image. Mind stores information as an experience. 

An experience includes

  1. Visual imagery
  2. Sounds, words
  3. Kinesthetic, touch, skin
  4. Taste
  5. Smell
  6. How the perception was done.

The opinion you made about the event, about yourself as a consequence of your opinion about the event, your opinion about life, about others. 

It also stores the strategy you developed to overcome the pain or increase pleasure and the result of that. This acts as feedback and influences the perception of the next input that happens immediately or whenever the same or similar event happens anytime later in life.

For example:

If you see a snake and run away. The mind stores the color of the snake, the taste that gets sensed, the sound in the environment, etc. You made a decision that snakes are dangerous and I should run when I see them protect myself.

If you are unaware on a certain day then you may see a rope of the same or similar color and your reflex could be triggered to become alert.

If you run then it means that the impression of the past has overtaken the present.

This is how we keep eating the food because at one point in time you loved the food and developed deep impressions of the food and the pleasure you got. Now though consciously you do not want you still consume it.

In addition, you also make opinions like, I deserve this food. This food makes me feel elated and powerful etc. You identify so much with the food.

Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption are high because the consumers get identified with their favorite hero or heroine smoking in movies. They start imagining that they are like their hero. 

This is how childhood memories, trauma, etc play a key role in shaping success and happiness in our lives.


Recovering memories and healing them through hypnosis is very much possible

Memories that are suppressed due to traumatic experiences, past memories which tend to haunt one, open up while hypnosis, in order to let go of those emotions and imprints from the mind and body, can be done through hypnosis. 

In hypnosis, one can even remember memories of them being in their mother’s womb.

I had a client who was 32 years old, female. She came to us for fibroids, and after trying all kinds of treatments she finally chose hypnosis/hypnotherapy. When I regressed her, she went straight to the memory of her being in her mother’s womb where her grandfather was constantly telling her mother or wishing that the baby was a boy. So the root cause for her was the rejection that she had in the womb. Once those emotions were released major issues got solved. 

Later with certain healthy practices, the fibroids regressed. Thus hypnosis is a good complementary therapy along with Yoga which includes releasing the memory stored in the body.


Healthy practices such as proper body and breath work will enhance well with hypnosis.

 As one practices well in balancing mind, body, and breath, more conscious decisions will be taken with much more clarity. 

This will increase the level of one’s memory power and focus.


To put it in simple terms hypnosis works with your mind, mentally. Yet, the major part of your unconscious mind is in the body. When you work with your body systematically you heal faster and quicker.

Secondly, hypnosis is like calling for help to clean your home one time. Then you clean your home daily yourself. 

Breath and bodywork are like you cleansing your system, i.e the mind, body, and energy on a daily basis to keep it robust and vibrant.


Hypnosis is an easy practice with simple techniques which has a lot of benefits in one’s life. 

Hypnosis can help you with managing stress and anxiety, fears, and phobias, it can help you change your eating habits, can help you with insomnia, and can help you quit smoking and drinking


Any kind of disease for that matter is only the trigger, the root cause of the issue lies somewhere else. Once that root problem is cleared then the current issue will also be cured automatically. 

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to find and resolve the emotional entanglement at the root cause level of any underlying problem. 

And most importantly hypnosis works as a great tool for controlling pain. 

Another reason why hypnosis is a great tool is that it can help you control the symptoms of most diseases in a holistic way.


Highway hypnosis is when one tends to zone out while driving for a very long distance and will not have a clear memory of what has happened. 

This happens more with tired drivers who do not get enough sleep.

To avoid highway hypnosis from happening, a good sleep before the trip would be a great thing to do. 

Maintaining a cool body temperature and building a good rapport with people you’re traveling with will help you be active and aware while driving.


Well, this is one of the most common fears/ questions one has. The answer is NO, you don’t get stuck in a trance as you will have full control over your mind. 

60 mins to 120 mins are the maximum a person can be in trance with guidance during sessions. This however needs training and practice.

You can come out of a trance whenever you are willing to. You are never out of control while hypnotized, in fact, that is when you have full access to your subconscious which can help you resolve a lot of things.

It is always You who has full control of your mind not the other way around.


Nowadays the awareness of self-hypnosis and therapies have increased.

There are a lot of online courses, and recorded courses, as well as some institutes in India, are now starting to launch hypnosis courses as it is becoming high in demand.


I hope this article gives you a clear idea of hypnosis and how hypnosis works and the things that can or cannot be done through hypnosis. Also hope that this answers a lot of common questions that one gets about hypnosis like the history, states, and types of hypnosis, where can one learn hypnosis, etc.

Hypnosis helps you to let go of the unwanted emotions that are holding you back and can plant a new program or suggestion in that state with guidance, this helps you to overcome challenges and also reach an enhanced quality of life.

Nowadays people are hesitating to go with medicines for various reasons. For those people out there hypnosis could be one of the best remedies. As it is a holistic approach and side effects are very much unlikely and this is a painless method of healing oneself.

Also, hypnosis when integrated with yoga-like mind and body works can create wonders when it is practiced right.

Hence, Hypnosis is a handy tool that has the potential to change your life for good. It is a healthy, holistic approach that can be practiced even on your own.